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Study the stubility of Drug deliver nanoparticles and their complexes with DNA in the different environmental conditions.
Author: eka shekiladzeKeywords: Nanoparticles, Dendrimer
Electron density oscillations around impurity centers in quasi-one dimensional conductors
Author: Mariami RusishviliCryptochrome
Author: ana kalichavaAdaptations of the microorganisms to extremal physical-chemical conditions. hypothesis of panspermia
Author: Giorgi TskhovreboviCo-authors: Giorgi Tskhovrebovi
Keywords: panspermia
ATLAS experiment Hadron calorimeter Observations and Data Analysis System
Author: Irakli MinashviliATLAS experiment hadronic calorimeter power supply system stability analysis via Detector Control System
Author: Tengizi BokuchavaThe Sine-Gordon equation in classical mechanic and field theory
Author: khatia shariaperturbation of very low frequency electromagnetic waves in earth-ionosphere waveguide
Author: Nino KvavadzeBasic elements of supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Author: GIORGI BULISKERIAtechnology treatment of super thin dielectrical plates receiving
Author: jvebe shengeliaThe technology of circuit elements
Author: alexander sibashviliDependence of Bacterial growth rate on various biological and physical factors
Author: elene lomadzeKeywords: bacteria, phage, MIC
Ultrasound and its using in medicine
Author: irakli maisuradzeStudy of stability of G4 Dendrimer and DNA complexes by calorimetric method
Author: Mariami ShubitidzeKeywords: DNA, Dendrimer
alternative energy
Author: irakli lomidzeBacteriophages
Author: giorgi nevskyStudy of the thermal effects caused by Electromagnetic exposure
Author: Mariam TsveravaPractical application of the sistems with distributed parameters.
Author: Beka PoniavaThe integrated and non integrated methods of studing of a science at middle school
Author: revazi kuteliaKeywords: Science, integrated, teaching
Backscattering method
Author: revazi kuteliaKeywords: Ruserford, impurity, massive, film
Developing methods for rapid synthesis of high-temperature superconductors
Author: Jarji KhmaladzeTransient magnetorotational instability in rotating shear flows of plasma
Author: davit kaladzeKeywords: Magnetohydrodynamics, plasma shear flow, instability, turbulence
Soliton Acoustic and Magneto Acoustic Waves in Weakly Ionized Plasma
Author: Giorgi GetsadzeNanosize Dielectric Films
Author: Zurab KushitashviliKeywords: Plasma, Anodizing
Research on free radicals by the method of Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and skin protection from ultraviolet radiation
Author: ia begiashviliKeywords: pheomelanin, eumelanin, method of EPR.
P-modes in the liquid cores of the Earth and terrestrial planets
Author: Luka TsiskarishviliInvestigation of Mobile Phone Influence on Human Model
Author: Lali BibilashviliFormation of Jets of Protostellar Thin Disks
Author: Dimitri JavrishviliKeywords: Astrophysical Jets, Young Stellar Objects
Radiation of Changed Particle Moving with Acceleration
Author: ucha chutkerashviliBlood proteins
Author: huleimata mamedovaElectronic Structure of Core-shell ZnO/ZnMgO Multi-quantum well Nanowires with Arbitrary Well Numbers
Author: Shota GaruchavaPaper Based Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Interferential Mirror for New Kind of Reflective Displays
Author: Nino PonjavidzeKeywords: liquid crystal, liquid crystal displays
Author: Zurab KushitashviliKeywords: Ultraviolet, photoresist