
ATLAS experiment hadronic calorimeter power supply system stability analysis via Detector Control System
Author: Tengizi BokuchavaAnnotation:
In 1954 near Geneva was established the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). Here are explored the fundamental structures of the universe and the elementary particles constituting matter. Researches are carried out by means of accelerators and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before the beams are made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions. Among the detectors the largest is ATLAS. The detectors control system (DCS) is responsible for ATLAS’s sub detector Hadron calorimeter’s serviceable functioning. This paper describes the Hadron calorimeter’s structure and working principles. The type of the DCS is determined by sub detectors structure and working principles. Monitoring is leaded in many directions. The paper deals with the principles of the monitoring carried out on the low-voltage supply system and the high voltage distributing system, as well as, with the analyses of the flows discovered during the calorimeter working process. The analyses is held on the bases of the graphics including three types of data-low voltage, high voltage and temperature in correlation with time. The author of the paper took part in the process of the monitoring during 2012-2013 years. He was a person who detected and analyzed the particular cases of the flows discussed in the paper.