
Landscape natural-resource potential
Author: Liana KhandolishviliCo-authors: Liana Khandolishvili
Keywords: agricultural potential, Biological potential, Energetic potential
Display, analyze and synthesis of landscapes’ potential is one from the key tasks in landscape planning. The proper determination of landscapes’ potential is a significant pre-condition for their rational utility and determination of social-economic functions for them. Landscape may have several types of potential, including the important ones: natural-resource, environmental (ecological), environment restorative, recreational and selitable Landscape natural-resource potential is its key peculiarity, implying totality of the resources which may be applied for the purpose of economic development or enhancement. On its hand natural-resource potential includes: Economic (agricultural) potential – landscape ability to produce different agricultural (planting) products; Biological potential - landscape ability to produce different types of biomass; Energetic potential – landscape ability to have or produce different types of power (wind. solar, finewood, geothermic) Natural-resourse potential has not still evaluated and compared in the world (natural zones) and in Georgia (natural zones). The presented thesis aims to solve exactly this urgent and interesting scientific task.
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ლანდშაფტების ბუნებრივ-რესურსული პოტენციალი [ka]ლანდშაფტის ბუნებრივ-რესურსული პოტენციალი [ka]