
Influence of anthropogenic factors on flow of riv. Enguri
Author: Tamaz PavladzeKeywords: River flow, hydropower, water quality
One from the most important demonstrations of transformation of environment by human in other words of anthropogenic influence is the sharp worsening of earth hydrosphere. Therefore, evaluation of forced change of natural regime of hydrosphere condition, exact description, protection and rational using of water recourses are the most important moments of our future existence. Anthropogenic influence on land waters causes the sharp changes which is wholly fatal for environment. For example: change of multiyear and seasonal regime of surface and underground waters causes in: intensity of landslide and karst processes, repeated formation of edges in reservoirs and rivers; determine conditions for functioning of ecosystem, seismicity of territory changes. All of these negative problems are added by change of climate and especially, pollution of water recourses. River Enguri is distinguished among the rivers of Georgia with its highest hydroepower potential. There is one hydropower station and construction of several huge hydroelectric power stations with reservoirs is planned, which shall totally regulate the flow. Hence, the quantitative as qualitative level of the flow shall sharply change. The schemes of hydropower using of the river, the problems and perspectives of Jvari reservoir, influence of Khudoni reservoir on environmental conditions shall be reviewed. Furthermore, forecasting of water quality and eutrophication processes in Khudoni reservoir is included.
Lecture files:
ანტროპოგენური ფაქტორების გავლენა მდინარე ენგურის ჩამონადენზე [ka]ანტროპოგენური ფაქტორების გავლენა მდინარე ენგურის ჩამონადენზე [ka]