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On Oscillatory Properties of Solutions of Functional Differential Equations
Author: nino maraneliAnnotation:
In this work the nonlinear differential equation with deviating argument u^((n) ) (t)+p(t) |u(σ(t) ) |^λ sign u(σ(t) )=0, are considered, where λ>0, λ≠1, p∈C(R_+;R_+ ), lim┬(t→+∞)〖σ(t)=+∞,〗 Namely, sufficient (necessary and sufficient) conditions are established for a nonlinear functional differential equations to have Property A.
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ფუნქციონალურ დიფერენციალურ განტოლებათა ამონახსნების ოსცილაციური თვისებების შესახებ [ka]