
Oral glucose tolerance test and Glycated hemoglobin relative characteristics of the metabolic syndrome
Author: nato zaridzeKeywords: glikozirebuli hemoglobini, diabeti
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by recurrent or persistent hyperglycemia, and is diagnosed by demonstrating any one of the following: Glycated hemoglobin or Glucose tolerance test. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a form of hemoglobin that is measured primarily to identify the average plasma glucose concentration over prolonged periods of time. It is formed in a non-enzymatic glycation pathway by hemoglobin's exposure to plasma glucose. This serves as a marker for average blood glucose levels over the previous three months prior to the measurement. It is an optimal indicator of diagnostic diabetes mellitus and assessment of the complication risks. A glucose tolerance test is a medical test in which glucose is given and blood samples taken afterward to determine how quickly it is cleared from the blood. In the most commonly performed version of the test, an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), a standard dose of glucose is ingested by mouth and blood levels are checked two hours later. Goal of the research: The assessment of the compare indicators of the oral glucose test and glycated hemoglobin in the patients with metabolic syndrome. Research objects and methods: there were studied 50 people, They were divided into 2 age groups (I group-30-45 years, II group – 45-70 years). The group with diabetes mellitus were was divided according the sex . The laboratory indicators were examined by diagnostic test-systems (Human, Germany). The data was studied statistically using the method of one-factorial dispersion analysis (One-Way ANOVA - factors: the age of patients and sex). Results: In order to process the data statistically, there was shown the statistically valid different between age groups. There was shown the increases of the HbA1c (F (1,48)= 66.555; P<0.05) and both type of glucose (measured by OGTT, F (1,48)= 22.993; P<0.05; F(1,48)= 45.099; P<0.05;) in the II age group (45-75 years old). The difference of the development diabetes mellitus between women and men groups was not statistically valid. Conclusion: The characteristics of the HbA1c, OGTT were increased in the older age group (45-75 years old). The difference of the frequency of development diabetes mellitus between women and men groups was not statistically valid.
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ორალურგლუკოზოტოლერანტობის ტესტისა და გლიკოზირებული ჰემოგლობინის შედარებითი მახასიათებლები მეტაბოლური სინდრომის მქონე პაციენტებში [ka]