
A Comparative Analysis of Wines and Portwines During the Different Stages of Aging
Author: Nino RcheulishviliKeywords: Wine, portwine, volatile acidity, total acidity, total SO2, free SO2, density.
Wine is widespread alcoholic beverage, which has relaxing and other useful properties. It’s known that wine’s useful characteristics are caused by the components, which are included into the wine. Red wine is reckoned as especially useful wine as it contains more quantity of useful compounds than white wine. In this regard, Port wine is also one of the object of interest. It is fortified wine. To some extent it needs a little bit different analyses because of difference from ordinary (not fortified) wines. The aim of research was comparing the qualitative parameters of Portuguese and Georgian red, dry wines and port wine. The objectives for this are measuring volatile and total acidity, free and total SO2, alcohol and density. The results showed us that Georgian and Portuguese wines have approximately same densities and port wine’s density is 3% more than theirs. Alcohol in port wine is 55% more than Portuguese and 57% more than Georgian wine. The total acidity in port wine is 40% less than in Georgian and Portuguese wines (these last two wines has the same amount of total acidity). As to volatile acidity, in Port wine it is 150% less than in Portuguese and 108% less than in Georgian wines. Free and total SO2 is not measured in port wine. And as to wines, Georgian wine has 15% less free SO2 and 8% less total SO2 than Portuguese wine. As a conclusion it can be said that Goergian and Portuguese wines have similar quantities of the abovementioned parameters but in port wine quantities of all parameters are different. The work was performed with the support of Tempus project (#159340 Tempus-1-2009-1-ES-Tempus-JPCR - “MAPB”) It was performed in Portugal: Mealhada, wine company “Caves Messias”; Gaia, port wine centre “Caves Messias”.
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ღვინისა და პორტვეინის შედარებითი ანალიზი დაძველების სხვადასხვა სტადიაზე [ka]ღვინისა და პორტვეინის შედარებითი ანალიზი დაძველების სხვადასხვა სტადიაზე [ka]