
Lipid metabolism disorders in laboratory diagnosis
Author: salome tsereteliKeywords: lipidebi, qolesterini, lipidebis metabolizmi
Lipid metabolism disorders in laboratory diagnosis Lipid metabolism is a complex biochemical and physiological processes occurring in the cells of living organisms. Fat metabolism determines the amount of fat in the human body: triglycerides, free and etherified cholesterol and phospholipids. In clinical studies, for the laboratory diagnostics of lipid metabolic disorders, purposes, lipid metabolism level is assessed by particular biochemical tests. The following main parameters - total cholesterol, triglycerides, high- density (HDL) and low-density (LDL) lipoproteins are assessed in venous blood serum and detailed lipidogram is drawn. The goal of our research was the assessment of possible differences in lipid parameters between females and males patients. Biochemical analyzer HUMAN PRIMUSI perfectly suited for the such type of analysis has been used. Laboratory kits for biochemical analysis have been provided by the same firm. Comparison of two age groups conducted by means of One-Way ANOVA didn’t reveal statistical significance of differences between them. The statistical analysis for the comparison of different gender groups (One-Way ANOVA) revealed statistically significant differences between males and females (for HDL - F (2,73) = 8.414, P = 0.001; for LDL - F (2,73) = 4.073, P = 0.021). In comparison with males, in female patients tendency of HDL level increasing was revealed.
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