
Hydro-ecological Peculiarities of Samgori Reservoir (Tbilisi Sea)
Author: demuri tsabadzeKeywords: recreation, hydro-ecology, Tbilisi reservoir.
Of course the primary objective for every country in the world, including Georgia, is to protect the environment and maintain the ecological balance. For this reason it is necessary to use natural resources rationally, to preserve and improve basic components of the environment, to fight against environmental pollution. Water is the most common and at the same time moving substance of the geographic environment. Find solutions for the most actual ecological, food and energetic problems of the world depends upon water resources condition, their mode and quality, conditioned by unique features of water. It is included in all areas of the Earth (atmosphere, biosphere, lythosphere) and plays a major role in physical, chemical, biological and geological processes. In addition it participates constantly in a technological cycle of all productions. Today and probably in the future, the important mean of the management of water resources will be reservoirs. Tbilisi reservoir is an important water facility in East Georgia. It is a complex function and is used for irrigation and water supply. Recently it is important to use it as a recreation resource. Changes of Tbilisi borders and increased territories caused entering of water reservoir within the city and construction or main transport roads in surrounding areas. That’s why in modern conditions it is very important to assess its qualitatively condition and to determine its hydro ecological features. Master’s program: sustainable development of physical geography and environment.
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დემურ ცაბაძე [ka]სამგორის წყალსაცავის (თბილისის ზღვის) ჰიდროეკოლოგიური თავისებურებანი [ka]