
Facies analyses of the volcano-sedimentary host-rocks of the Cretaceous Madneuli massive sulphide deposit, Bolnisi district Georgia.
Author: nino popkhadzeKeywords: Cretaceous, Caucasus, Bolnisi, Lithofacies
The Cretaceous Madneuli barite-gold-copper-pollymetallic deposit is the major deposit of the Georgian Bolnisi mining district, located in the Artvin- Bolnisi zone. This contribution presents the detailed lithofacies analyses of volcanic host rocks of the Madneuli deposit, including detailed mapping of six outcrop sections, hand samples studies and thin section observations. The rhyolitic volcanoclastic host rocks can be devided in three groups: (1) massive breccias interpreted as massive breccia flows, (2) stratifies tuff and lapilli tuff (including ignimbrites, rhyolite and rhyodacite pyroclastic flows), and (3) turbiditic tuff. On the Northern level of the deposit two ignimbrite horizons were singled out. One of them (columnar jointed ignimbrite) was first seen and described by authors. The same should be said about the association of ignimbrite with rhyolitic pyroclastic lava flows and dacitic hyaloclastitic rocks.
Lecture files:
მადნეულის მასივურ სულფიდური საბადოს შემცველი ცარცული ვულკანურ-სედიმენტური ქანების ფაციალური ანალიზი, ბოლნისის რაიონი, საქართველო [ka]