
Vibrio parahaemolyticus-specific bacteriophages as a potential preparation for treatment and prevention
Author: Ana TskhvedianiKeywords: Bacteria, bacteriophage
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the most common non- cholera halophilic species causing serious gastroenteritis in human. The main source of infection is consumption of undercooked or raw seafood. Pathogen may also cause wound infections. The warm, subtropical climate of Georgia and low- to moderate salinity of the Black Sea coastal waters may provide a favorable environment for growth and spread of V. parahaemolyticus bacteria. Antibiotic therapy has been the common strategy to control V.parahaemolyticus infection in humans. However, with the growing problem with bacterial antibiotic-resistance development alternative safe and effective “drugs” such as bacteriophages become more actual. The aim of the presented work was isolation and characterization of V.parahamolyticus– specific bacteriophages in relation with possible use for treatment and prevention of food and waterborne gastroenteritis. During 2006-2009 bacteriophages specific to V.parahaemolyticus were isolated and characterized according to their virion morphology, host-range, temperature and PH dependence, stability in different medias and solutions, also the influence of protolithic enzymes. Obtained results showed that these bacteriophages can be used for preparation of phage cocktails as a potential therapeutic preparation.