
The correlation between qualitative HBsAg tests and PCR of Hepatitis B virus
Author: Varden JijiashviliAnnotation:
Hepatitis B is one of the worlds most widespread disease. The latest data from the Earth's population is approximately 350-400 million people with chronic hepatitis B virus carrier. The transmission is available via: parenteral - by transfusion of infected blood or any blood component, using a infected needle or any other instrument, vertical from mother to child way and sexually. HBsAg is one of the most active antigen of B hepatitis virus, which is expressed on the surface of the liver cells and appears at the very early stage of infection. Therefore, it is the most popular method of detection of hepatitis B in human blood serum or plasma and one of the most popular method of diagnostics. Several methods are available to determine HBsAg : the immunochromatographic, enzyme immunoassay (EIA), immunofluorescence (FEIA) and others. Much more high-tech methods are also used for diagnosis of hepatitis B, like polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunobloting. PCR has the most highest specificity and sensitivity (99, 9999%) since it reveals the genetic material of the virus in the blood. My research aim was to compare several anti HBsAg qualitative tests correlation to PCR. Were have examined 21 human blood, 14 had a positive result of PCR for hepatitis B. For our study we have used several immune methods, as : immunochromatography (Intec Papid Test), EIA (Intec EIA), micropartical enzyme immunoassay ( Abbott Axsym MEIA) and immunofluorescence (Abbott Architec FEIA). According to the results obtained from 14 patients with HbsAg seropositivity was detected in 9 blood sample using rapid test system, 12 –using EIA, while MEIA and FEIA methods could reveal the seropositivity of 13 blood samples. In conclusion, we think, that MEIA and FEIA methods correlate with PCR results most accurately and specificity and sensitivity of these methods are considered to be the most respectful, that other methods.
Lecture files:
HBs ანტიგენის თვისობრივი ტესტისა და B ჰეპატიტის ვირუსის პოლიმერაზული ჯაჭვური რეაქციის კორელაციის დადგენა [ka]HBs ანტიგენის თვისობრივი ტესტისა და B ჰეპატიტის ვირუსის პოლიმერაზული ჯაჭვური რეაქციის კორელაციის დადგენა [ka]