
The Geology of jurassic sediments in the lower part of the source of the river Alazani and the Petrology of volcanism Pliensbachian-Toarcian
Author: kakhi keldishviliKeywords: volcanism, Pliensbachian-Toarcian
Represented thesis deals with the Geological structure of the source of the river Alazani and Petrology of explored Pliensbachian-Toarcian volcanism. Fossil, as a matter of fact, is one of the main lever for country’s economical development, as well as, for its citizen’s welfare. Georgia not only is located in a difficult Geopolitical region, but it also has a very complex geological structure, which in turn determines the diversity and complexity of ore formation. On our territory, there is still not enough revealed deposits, but in fact, their discovery prospects are quite real. In this regard the other side of Alazani, in Kakheti region is very interesting. It is bordered by the republic of Azerbaijan, where, in lower Iurassic shales’ series in directly idjucent region of Kakheti-Belokani, there are revealed copper and lead-zinc quite perspective deposits. Topicality is exactly the main reason why we chose this region for our object of study. From the large area of the other side of Alazani in Kakheti, we have chosen the source of Alazani for our studies, including the Basin of the river Store, because on this territory, the regions’ geological and structural-lithological composition, is most complete and well-exposed, also ores forming process in genetic relationship with the magmatizm is really intensive. Prior to field work, I was introduced to the region’s published and even fund materials. I performed field observations with my instructor, on the basis of the rivers Store and Khvachadala. I also collected the material for thin sections, of which analysis were performed in the laboratory of the Department of Geology at the Tbilisi State University. Description of thin sections and the analysis of the findings are represented in this paper, where I tried to erplain genetie relationship between copper-polymetallic ores and Pliensbachian-Toarcian basaltic volcanism.
Lecture files:
მდ.ალაზნის სათავეების ქვედა იურული ნალექების გეოლოგია და პლინსბახ-ტოარსული ვულკანიზმის პეტროლოგია [ka]