
Author: Rusudan KhositashviliKeywords: gas hydrate, shale, biogas
The history of civilization is the quest for energy source, which increases the energy industry and agriculture development, human welfare. Therefore solution of energy problems requires a global efforts and in this regard has no a small contribution of chemistry. Humanity on all stage of civilization development have tried to get energy supply and perfection of use, in the result have used more of fossil fuels (coal, peat, natural gas, oil and wood and etc.) during the twentieth century, than during the entire history so at present one of the sources of pollution of environment are oil and petroleum products. The growing scale of production processing and transporting represent the increasing factors of the contamination risk of the seas, and oceans of natural and artificial reservoirs, wastewater by petroleum and their products. Georgia is standing in front of solution of the above problems, as coal, oil and gas are the main driving force of modern industry and life. There are many versions that the Earth Resources will soon be exhausted, and this may lead to a natural disaster. So The issue of searching of new energy is still actual. the European Union countries have set a legally binding targets as an object for renewable energy use. Their aim is that for 2020 20% of energy consumption will be non-conventional energy sources and in 2050 to minimize the use of oil and coal. Adoption of renewable energy sources of natural gas include: biogas and biological fuel for vehichles, shales and the gas hydrates of the black sea.
Lecture files:
ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF OBTAINING OF METHANE [en]მეთანის მიღების ალტერნატიული წყაროები [ka]