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Comparative analysis of heavy metals in organic and non-organic wines, from west and east Georgia.

Author: Merab Zukhbaia
Keywords: Heavy metals, Organic wine, Atomic absorption spectroscopy

We investigated various heavy metal concentration in organic and non-organic wines, from west and east Georgia, using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Heavy metals are member of loosely defined elements, that exhibit metallic properties; They in different concentrations have toxic effects on human health, so, their presence in wines, above upper levels, may overcome, beneficial effects of wine, especially, if we consider, drinking just one glass of wine a day - a common habit in Europe and partially in Georgia too. We investigated organic wines, made in Georgia, which, by definition, are wines made from grapes grown in accordance with principles of organic farming, which typically excludes the use of artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Sources of heavy metals in wines, may be different, one of the sources may be artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides; Investigating organic wines, we were interested, if, in organic wines, there’s relatively low levels of heavy metals, than in conventionally grown wines.

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მძიმე მეტალების შედარებითი ანალიზი, დასავლეთ და აღმოსავლეთ საქართველოს ბიო და არა-ბიოღვინოებში(PPT) [ka]
მძიმე მეტალების შედარებითი ანალიზი, დასავლეთ და აღმოსავლეთ საქართველოს ბიო და არა-ბიოღვინოებში(PDF) [ka]

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