
Geology of,,Bektakari" area in Bolnisi ore region
Author: koba khmaladzeKeywords: Gold, deposit, Bolnisi
This study concerns Bektakari deposit, which contains Gold reserve. As the research refers to Gold, it is considered to be very interesting. The issue is actual both as regards Geology and Economics too, as Gold is vital for Economic development. As regards Geological research the study concerns Geology of Bolnisi region so as to have a particular opinion about Bektakar reserve located in the region. The study refers to the rocks common in the region, the geotechtonical location of the region, tectonics and reserves and ore districts. As for the reserve itself we concern the location of the Bektakar and natural conditions, Geological position, history of Geological study and very important, research Geochemical results of the company TGR. The research gives detailed information about Volcanic-sedimental litho-strategic items of the deposit composition: That of Tandzia (Andezit-Bazaltic) and also of Gasandami (Rio-dacit) layers. We represent microscopic as well as macroscopic description of the layers, also Bio strategy that relates to the Nanoplancton studies. The study describes main tectonic structure, anticline of Bectakar, as well as line-desorganizationand crashing deformations. This deformations play important role in the evolution of hydrothermal processes. We concern sub-volcanic composition and the age of the deposit, the types of mineral resources, the most important of which are ore recourses, that is represented mainly in Gold. The research also concerns kinds of mineralization (such as proper sulphide Gold mineralization and non-sulphide mineralization) and the view about its origin. According to the research of the TGR it became clear that Bectara region represents long-term point for discovering industrial composition of Gold. Today the average composition at Bectakar deposit on proper sulphide mineralization equals 4 grams per ton, and 1-1.5 grams per ton on non- sulphide mineralization area. We have to mention that on particular areas the composition of gold prevails the average level and sometimes comes to 11 grams per ton.
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ბოლნისის მადნიანი რაიონის „ბექთაქარის“ უბნის გეოლოგია [ka]