
Geodinamic of The pool of river Dzirula
Author: besiki tkemaladzeAnnotation:
The present work deals with the geodynamics of Dzirula river basin. The paper discusses the ortographic units within the territory of Dzirula river basin, according to their morphological-morphometric characteristics, genesis and other properties. We are talking about the exogenous and endogenous processes, their distribution and intensity. The main purpose of the paper is to determine the dangers posed to the population by geodynamic processes and there has always been great trade route connecting the East-West of the county and now it still occupies a central place in the space of "TRASECA", central road and railway junctions of the country and as well as western route Baku-Supsa pipeline of international importance run through it. The main object of the research is geodynamic processes of Dzirula river basin and review and study of natural anthropogenic factors affecting them, Since it has been agreed that the current geodynamic processes shape the face in the formation and transformation of the relief. While working on the thesis I used my personal observation materials and I was guided by the literary sources existing about the region. The paper is attached by maps and photographs performed by me. As for the theoretical part of the work, it is designed with active assistance of the Department of Geomorphology-Geoecology and Cartography-Geoinformatics of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Thesis supervisor, for that I thank them.
Lecture files:
მდინარე ძირულას აუზის გეოდინამიკა [ka]