
The Influence of Endogenous Protein Complex on on the proliferative activity of adult rat pancreas cells
Author: Nnatia LipartiaKeywords: Thermostable Protein Complex, Proliferative activity, Regeneration of Pancreas.
The physiological regeneration is the basis for renewal of tissues and organs in the body. In the case of damage or loss of a body part, a partial or full restoration is provided by reparative regeneration. Regeneration is started by cells proliferation, which is initiated by a mitogenic or growth factors. Factors are recognized by the receptors after they are released into the extracellular space. The transcription factors and various genes cascade activation within cell are caused by the ligand - receptor signal transduction. Investigation of tissues with limited ability to regeneration is interesting for understanding regulatory mechanisms of the body. For example, the pancreas, which is characterized by the low ability of renewal compared to other parenchymal organs. It should be noted that in addition to surgical and pharmacologic therapy of different pancreatic pathologies, activation of protective mechanisms through the growth factors is used. Therefore the study of pancreas growth regulating endogenous factors seems to be very interesting. The thermostable protein complex (TPC) from the adult white rat pancreas was separated and partially characterized. It is shown that the pancreatic TPC through inhibition of transcription decreases cell mitotic activity in different tissues (pancreas, liver, heart) of growing rat. At the same time, it is not known, whether the protein complex is involved in renewal process of pancreas tissue and its effect on tumor cells. The aim of our work was to study the influence of white adult rat pancreatic endogenous protein complex on cells proliferation in vivo and in vitro. Research objects and methods: Investigations were carried out on adult rats (120-150 g) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell lines (BCLL). The regenerative pancreas tissue after the resection (50%) was used as a model of proliferative tissue. Used methods: the alcohol extraction of termostable protein complex from adult rat pancreas, the fixation and the preparation of tissue slices for light microscope, determination of mitotic index, native electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The obtained data were processed using the standard variation statistics. Data reliability was of 95-99%. Results: Investigations have revealed that: 1. The first mitosis occurs in 24 hours in the response of pancreas resection. The proliferative activity increases and reaches a peak twice in the 3rd and 7th day after resection; 2. Pancreatic TPC decreases cell mitotic activity in regenerative tissue which is revealed in the first twenty-four hours after TPC injection. The effect is maintained for the next days. The mitotic index returns to the control point just four days after the TPC injection; 3. Pancreatic TPC has inhibitory effect on chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell proliferative activity in culture. Conclusions: 1. The pancreatic TPC obtained form adult white rats inhibits renewal processes of homotypic tissue. 2. The tissue specificity of the pancreatic TPC does not reveal in case of tumor cells in vitro.
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