
The study of diffusion processes in solid bodies
Author: giorgi kharkheliAnnotation:
Semiconductor devices and integrated circuits (IC) are one of the main components of the p-n junction, which is formed by diffusion different materials in the semiconductor to change type of semiconductor. The aim of the present undergraduate work is: studying diffusion processes in p- and n-type silicon substrate and p-n junction. To achieve these goals were developed technological route, which includes p-n junction: 1) low- temperature photonic and 2) to compare – traditionally, high-temperature diffusion processes. In the both cases before diffusion processes samples were cleaned chemically, then on the p-type silicon was deposited phosphorosilicafilm , and on n-type silicon borosilicafilm. After diffusion process were measured diffusion depth, surface resistance, type of conductivity and current – voltage characteristic. It was shown that in the low-temperature process diffusion areas received by photonic technique are more sharpness and high quality.
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დიფუზიური პროცესების შესწავლა მყარ სხეულებში [ka]