
Technology of obtaining high titer and purity bacteriophage and physical properties of obtained phages
Author: artemi okoeviKeywords: bacteriophage
The work describes a technological approach which allows preparation of a hightiter bacteriophage lysates, concentration and purification. We have modified the type of stainless steel Frezer permentor, thereby the reliability of its use was significantly improved. E.coli C bacteria, T7 phage were selected for the experiment and kelemberger solutions were used for bacteria growth. The effective conditions were maintained for growth. The T7 phage growth was performed on E.coli C bacteria using discribed Permenter. The quite high titer of T7 phage lysate was obtaind by this method (biological titer - 2.10 pfu/ml), which indicates that the best conditions were selected for phage growth. Using anionic exchange column the 10 liter lysate was concentrated and pretty high titer of phage with high purity was obtained – an important task was solved. Our results show that the described technology for preparation of high titer phage stock is fast and effective. 10
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