
Studying the genome instability in patient with tuberculosis
Author: Ketevan RubanoviKeywords: Tuberculosis, Chromosome, Genome instability.
Tuberculosis is classified as hereditary predisposition disease. In modern medicine the search for markers that are residents of one or another hereditary predisposition disease has a special meaning in early detection to risk - allows groups. One of them (marker) is the level of genome stability, which is subject of variation to a number to certain hereditary and hereditary predisposition diseases. At first this touch of the genome features, such as chromosome structural and quantitative violations. The interest is to identify drugs that have the ability to normalize the chromosomal parameters, i e, may represent the supposed protectors. Comparative studies on chromosome instability and possibility its correction by bioregulator-peptides epitalon have been conducted in cultures lymphocytes derived from patients with tuberculosis before and after medical treatment. In intact cells from patients with tuberculosis before medical treatment as well as after treatment higher levels of chromosome structural disorders and chromosomal gaps were found in comparison with the control group (comprising healthy individuals). It was demonstrated that genomic instability in patients with tuberculosis before and after medical treatment was increased. It was studied the level of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE). The results showed, that this indicator was elevated and was changed its localization sites in chromosomes.
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გენომის არასტაბილურობის შესწავლა ტუბერკოლოზით დაავადებულებში [ka]