
Processing of non-traditional technologies for produce solar cells
Author: giorgi dadunashviliAnnotation:
The modern phase of human development requires large power consumption, which would definitely reduce the earth’s energy. Reduction of energy supply and still growing ecological problems compels people to find a new, non-traditional methods, among which is considered solar energy conversion . It is polluting and provides great energy efficiency. This method has been studied on semiconductor material. To form semiconductor solar cells it is necessary to form on the front side of the plate p-n junction. The aim of present diploma is to create the p-n junction on the silicon substrate by thermal method and then create solar cells. For that on the front side of the silicon substrate is deposited phosphorosilicafilm (in the case of p-type silicon), or borosilicafilm (in the case of n-type silicon). Next step was thermal diffusion process at 10500C temperature. Then deposition ohmic contacts on the both sides of silicon. After contacts was done photolithography process and finally step was to measure parameters of solar cell at the maximum solar irradiation. There were measured the obtained p-n junction and solar battery parameters: depth of p-n junction, type of diffusion, surface resistance and energy conversion efficiency. Obtained parameters good fit with the standard solar battery parameters.
Lecture files:
მზის ელემენტების დამზადების არატრადიციული ტექნოლოგიის დამუშავება [ka]