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Influence of anthropogenic factors on global climate changes
Author: Khatuna GogidzeKeywords: Anthropogenic, climate, change.
Atmosphere is physical-chemical complex environment, which interacts with surface of the earth, ocean and biosphere. The consistence of the atmosphere changes constantly. This is especially noticeable from mid twentieth century due to influence of technogenic factors. The work describes the creation of anthropogenic aerosol sources (production, transportation etc.) in the atmosphere and influence of meteorological conditions on them. It is shown how pollution sources change the dynamics of aerosol quantities in the atmosphere. It is concluded that ecologic condition of the atmosphere is dependent on specificity of pollution source and intensity as well as physical-geographic and meteorological factors.
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ანთროპოგენური ფაქტორების გავლენა კლიმატის გლობალურ ცვლილებაზე [ka]ანთროპოგენური ფაქტორების გავლენა კლიმატის გლობალურ ცვლილებაზე [ka]