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Study of microenvironment of Brij-30 reverse micelles by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy method
Author: nino javakhishviliCo-authors: Manoni Kurtanidze
The microenvironment of polyoxyethylene (4) lauryl ether (Brij-30) reverse micelles was investigated by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy method. As optical probe o-nitroaniline was selected. The reverse micellar solutions were prepared by dissolving of appropriate amount of polyoxyethylene (4) lauryl ether in hexane, then small amount of water and salts solutions were added. The different influence of kosmotropic and chaotropic anions on the binding of o-nitroaniline with Brij-30 reverse micelles was revealed, viz. the values of binding constants are higher in the presence of sodium perchlorate in the core of reverse micelle as compared with sodium acetate.
Lecture files:
Brij-30-ის შებრუნებული მიცელების მიკროგარემოს შესწავლა ულტრაიისფერი-ხილული სპექტროსკოპიული მეთოდით [ka]