
Comparative analysis of a typical range of organic acids and counterfeit wines
Author: Salome TsitaishviliAnnotation:
Wine is a complex product of the composition and organoleptic characteristics of the various ingredients are there but it is found in every type of wine or typical only for certain types of wine and wine acids. Organic acids significantly shape the grape and the wine taste and technology. They are wines of other biologically active substances in influencing the quality and durability of wine and wine are actively involved in the biochemical processes of why it is important to determine the quantity of wine. One of the most important defining characteristic of organic acids – acidity. If wine contains excessive amounts of organic acids and its flavor is so -called green arsasiamovno sharp acidity '' and their lack of time, - sluggish. Organic acids are used in the manufacturing process of changing wine grape variety and technological methods of organic acids are mainly concentrated in the skin of grapes acute revelation and the minimum is. Technical Maturity changing the image and layers of organic acids on the skin near the center of a small number remain , and the maximum number of grains. Our research goal is to determine the origin of organic acids in wines and wines palsipitsiuri comparative analysis of typical and necessary for the implementation of this goal, the following objectives were • Determination of organic acids ghvinosho • Converting acids and their importance in winemaking • Determination of biochemical processes in wines • Wine examination and falsification of • Compliance with standards which must be met by the typical wine Were taken by us and the standard of fake wine were examined in the three acid and Lactic acid ghvinomzhavis vashlmzhavis number of acids in wine sitkhuri chromatographic highly effective means of investigating the outcome. The importance of organic acids was determined by examining a biologically active substance in wines of Winery was established to improve the quality of wine is one of the important event of the organic acids
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ორგანული მჟავების სპექტრის შედარებითი ანალიზი ტიპიურ და ფალსიფიცირებულ ღვინოებში [ka]