
The laboratory analysis and compare characteristics of haemostasis in the different age groups and pregnant women.
Author: sesili tsereteliKeywords: Hemostasis, koagulograma
Introduction: Haemostasis is a complex process which causes bleeding to stop, meaning to keep blood within a damaged blood vessel. It is the first stage of wound healing. Coagulogram or haemostasiogram is the laboratory study of the blood to assessment it’s coagulation ability - haemostasis. The study of coagulogram contains the different indicators, which are the main components of all three steps of the blood coagulation system. The determination of the general condition of haemostasis in the body is based on the total analysis of these indicators, however the changing one of them can induce the disorders of haemostasis. Goal of the research: To establish the influence of the age and pregnancy on the functional characteristic of the haemostasis. Research objects and methods: We studied 60 people . They were divided into 3 groups: (two ages groups – under 60 years old and older 60 years) and pregnant women. The laboratory indicators were examined by diagnostic test-systems (Human, Germany). The data was studied statistically using the method of one-factorial dispersion analysis (One-Way ANOVA - factors: the age of patients and pregnancy). Results: In order to process the data statistically, there was shown the significantly different between three study groups. CT- F(3,59) = 4.575; P=0.006, FC – F(3,59)= 2.594; P=0.045. There was shown the increases of the fibrinogen concentration (FC) in the group older than 60 years and duration of the coagulation time (CT) was also increased. The increase of the concentrtaion of fibrinogen In the older people is in the frame of the physiological condition, However there is problematic the transformation of fibrinogen in fibrin and this fact is reason of the increase the duration of the period of blood coagulation. There was shown the increase of the concentrtaion of fibrinogen in the pregnant group. May it is due to Physiological changes many parameters in the blood of the pregnant . The concentration of fibrinogen reach their maximum at the end of the pregnancy (40th week). Conclusion: The characteristics of the haemostasis in the people under 60 years were in the frame of the norm. normal. In the older people (< 60) has been shown the increase of the concentrtaion of fibrinogen and duration of the blood coagulation. In the pregnant group was shown the increase of the concentrtaion of fibrinogen.
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ჰემოსტაზის ლაბორატორიული მაჩვენებლების შედარებითი ანალიზი განსხვავებულ ასაკობრივ ჯგუფებსა და ორსულებში [ka]