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Identification of the pathogenic Fusarium species from the seedlings of peach, cherry and plum using genetic markers
Author: Teona SolomnishviliAnnotation:
Detection and rapid identification of the plant pathogens is the one of the successful strategy for plant protection. This approach provides the effective defense of agricultural crops and minimum losses in agricultural production. Fusarium causes fungal diseases of variety of agricultural crops. From the infected seedlings of peach, cherry and plum pure fungal cultures were established. DNA was isolated from the each culture and species-specific DNA fragments were amplified using oligo-nucleotide primers. Based on the PCR three pathogenic Fusarium species were identified: F. equiseti, F. oxysporum, F. avenaceum. High rate (72.88%) of the allocation of F. equiseti was detected in compare to other pathogenic species.
Lecture files:
ატმის, ალუბლის და ქლიავის ნერგებიდან Fusarium–ის პათოგენური სახეობების იდენტიფიკაცია გენეტიკური მარკერებით [ka]