
The micronucleus assay for to estimate genotoxicity
Author: Mariam OsepashviliKeywords: The micronucleus assay, Melphalan, Carmustine, Cisplatin, Etopozide
The in vitro micronucleus assay is a genotoxicity test, which has recently become acknowledged and widely used as reliable tool in drug safety assessment and toxicological research. The aim of research is to establish efficiency of micronucleus test for to assay the genotoxicity effect of antitumor drugs in regard to human lymphoid tumors. Therefore we studied the action of 4 member of anticancer drugs – Melphalan, Carmustine, Cisplatin and Etoposide using the TK6 human cell line. Though these drugs are characterized with different mechanism of action, it was shown that each of them increased risk of leukemia. Furthermore they induced reorganization of nuclear structure that was revealed in enhanced activity of micronuclei formation. Our results indicate that micronuclei formation can be accepted as reliable marker for genotoxity assay.
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მიკრობირთვების ანალიზი გენოტოქსიკურობის შესაფასებლად [ka]მიკრობირთვების ანალიზი გენოტოქსიკურობის შესაფასებლად [ka]