
Heat mapping: 3D object heat segmentation(heat center estimation and identification)
Author: Teona SamkharadezKeywords: heat, segmentation, mesh, mapping
The main goal of this work is to create 3D object segmentation software. 3D object segmentation(3DOS) is the process which divides one whole 3D object to smaller meaningful components. 3DOS is fundamental task, the implementation of which requires knowledge of computational geometry and low-level programming. The results and applications of 3DOS are used in areas as diverse as computer vision, computer-aided design, bioinformatics, 3D medical imaging. Nowadays there are several 3DOS methods, but most of them are just theoretical works and they don't have wide distribution in practice. In this paper we analyze 3D object heat segmentation and apply acquired knowledge to practice. More specifically we implement the estimation of heat centers and hunting heat centers algorithms.
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სითბური ასახვა: სამგანზომილებიანი ობიექტის სითბური სეგმენტაცია. (სითბური ცენტრების რაოდენობის პოვნა და იდენტიფიცირება) [ka]