
3D object decimation, surface stucture simplification and noise regulation
Author: Gela LomidzeAnnotation:
One third of the workstation business is driven by industrial or scientific applications that heavily depend on the ability to interactively render 3D models whose complexity is increasing far more rapidly than the performance of the graphics subsystems. Simple scenes in 3D video-games may only need a few hundred textured polygons, but models used for mechanical CAD, scientific, geo-science, and medical applications involve scenes with millions of faces. Currently available high-end graphics hardware is often insufficient to render the models at sufficient frame rates to support direct manipulation and interactive camera control. To solve this problem we need model simplification without damaging or changing their structure. Because the prevalent representation for 3D shapes for graphics purposes is polyhedral and be cause polyhedra are in general triangulated for rendering, it is important to focus on the compression and decompression of complex triangulated models. 3D object surface structural simplification and noise reduction is low level fundamental task. The results of this task are used in different fields and applications of computer graphics. Main idea behind the task is that if we have the surface consisting of n vertices, Then after simplification we should get surface with much less vertices without losing structural properties of the primal surface. Simplification process doesn't run on the surface as a whole, It runs on pre-decomposed parts of the surface. In this paper we describe well known and popular algorithm to solve this problem. Our main goal is to implement its theoretical content and use it in practice, we do not intent to somehow modify or optimize the algorithm. The results can be used to optimize performance of other algorithms. Resulted software will be a useful tool for graphic designers.
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სამგანზომილებიანი ობიექტების დანაწევრება, ზედაპირის სტრუქტურის გამარტივება და ხმაურის რეგულირება [ka]