
აჭარისწყლის ხეობის საინჟინრო–გეოლოგიური პირობები
Author: levan ioselianiAnnotation:
The project in which the master participated, is carried out in Adjara, which situated in south-west of Georgia, in the Black see basin. In summer 2011 company “gross energy group” has assignment engineering-geological group to rv. Adjaristskali, where with the leading company of the UK “Mott MacDonald” has carried out the full engineering-geological researches. The first stage of researches continued during six month, bore-holes were bored, all geological bodies were examined in the sites. Also deft based on modern British standards. Materials processing, analysis and follow-up tasks were carried out during office jobs. May say that the survey was too large and innovative. On impregnable geological bodies, where according to project coming out the tunnel portals, because of need the group was prepared for rock climbing, which acquired to the study more emotion and adventure. In this work is illustrated materials which was obtained due to research, the risks are analyzed, the regions engineering-geological conditions are fully reflected.
Lecture files:
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი [ka]