
Landscapes of sensitiuorbis shepasseba complex (exampleof Georgia)
Author: nikoloz sopadzeAnnotation:
MA: Nicholas sopadze Landscapes of the sensitivity of the complex (the example) Leader: Dali Shevardnadze, Assoc. Prof. Master's thesis abstract Landscapes of the sensitivity of modern geography and landscape studies, among them - one of the most important tasks through which it is possible to identify, on the one hand, the natural landscape - resource potential, while, on the other hand, determine its resistance to anthropogenic impact. The issue is very important for Georgia as well as the complex orographic and the diverse natural conditions, a scientifically justified in light of the need to establish a foundation for the achievement of a sustainable nature. The main aim of the research Landscapes of the sensitivity of the major risk factors gamapirobebeli definition and criteria for establishing the basis of a comprehensive assessment of their example. Landscapes of numerous studies devoted to the determination of the sensitivity, but it is poorly understood and has not been fully developed in terms of a comprehensive assessment of the methodological basis, which would have revealed his gamapirobebeli basic criteria of a coherent system. Landscape approach to determine the causes of these mozaikurobis allow detection.
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ლანდშაფტთა სენსიტიუორბის კომპლექსური შეფასსება (საქართველოს მაგალითზე) [ka]ლანდშაფტთა სენსიტიუორბის კომპლექსური შეფასსება (საქართველოს მაგალითზე) [ka]