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expert assessments engineering in OWA operation based intelligent decision support system
Author: Natia GadeliaCo-authors: Archil Varshanidze, Tebrone Varshanidze, Nikoloz Gochiashvili
Keywords: decision support system
This master's thesis presents implementation of OWA based intelligent decision support system. System being described is expert system, where one and only source of data is expert knewledge. System uses algorthms of well-known specialists, including R.R.Yager, M. Merigó and others. Master's thesis can be reviewed in two main directions: 1. Fuzzy membership function generation methodology, in particular, software implementation of R.R. Yager algorithm of membership function generation. 2. Study of the modern approaches in the construction of fuzzy systems in knowledge engineering. Study of the fuzzy sets generation algorithms in fuzzy systems, such as genetic algorithms, learning algorithms and neural networks.
Lecture files:
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი - ნათია გადელია [ka]