
“Soil fruitfulness and its role for sustainable agricultural development (on the model of Georgia)”
Author: salome lomidzeCo-authors: Salome Lomidze
Keywords: Soil fruitfulness, ecological agriculture
Soil fruitfulness is one from the important factors for stable and sustainable productivity in agriculture. Especially, protection and enhancement of soil fruitfulness naturally is an actual topic in ecological agriculture. Production and consumption of pure agricultural products is characterized with the very growing tendency in the modern world. In this field demand of consumers exceeds its supply, in contrast to conventional agriculture where supply exceeds consumption. The presented master’s thesis refers to the role of soil in stable agriculture, the ways of raising of its fruitfulness, important and growing tendencies of stable agriculture; the world practice in this field and the perspectives of its development on the background of the recourses of Georgia; standardization of the products designed for domestic market and design and certificating of expert brand-products. The mentioned subjects shall be examined taking into consideration of the up-to-date problems.
Lecture files:
ნიადაგების ნაყოფიერების როლი მდგრადი სოფლის მეურნეობაში (საქართველოს მაგალითზე) [ka]ნიადაგების ნაყოფიერების როლი მდგრადი სოფლის მეურნეობის განვითარებაში (საქართველოს მაგალითზე) [ka]