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Electronic Resources - web portalfor Secondary Education schools in Informatics (Multimedia and Design)
Author: Elene ShergelashviliCo-authors: all
Team project is about E-Learning system, which aims creating web portal for schools, where pupils can get basic knowledge about programming. Online learning is a modern way for getting education, it refers to the use of computers and internet in learning and education. Our solution is designed to have high maintainability and extensibility index, so new functionality can easily added to the system without code refactoring and rewriting. E-Learning system is built with latest technological and telecommunicational standards. Project is written using Microsoft’s latest web technology ASP.NET MVC4 framework, data access is done in Microsoft’s ORM(Object-relational mapping) framework - Entity Framework Code First.
Lecture files:
ელექტრონული რესურსების ვებ-პორტალი ზოგადი განათლების სკოლებისათვის ინფორმატიკაში (მულტიმედია და დიზაინი) [ka]