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The information system for e-learning in secondary schools
Author: Tamari NasaridzeCo-authors: all
Keywords: Informatic
Our group provides a support for the project, an information system for e-learning in secondary schools, including online learning. Online learning is an accelerated variant of Education, obtaining the desired information, a real and flexible method, which is a significant time and financial resources connected with economics. We decided to create a portal, which will have an "electronic library" look and will allow the teachers to be able to cultivate and promote the themes of respect and place them on the portal of his colleagues to be available, as well as the Video Tutorials and reviews on various topics with which it will be able to conduct an integrated lessons and increase students' interest as well.
Lecture files:
საინფორმაციო სისტემა ელექტრონული სწავლების მხარდჭერისათის ზოგადსაგანმანათლებლო სკოლებში [ka]