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Internet technologies in small guided vehicle (webcar) to create

Author: Zuarb Kutsia
Co-authors: Beka Barbaqadze Nicholas Wonder Elizabeth Zarqua I tavtetrishvili The Kutsia George Feikrishvili Nick BEGIASHVIL

In the paper we have discussed one of the most popular and urgent topic of information technologies : Web-Technologies. In particular, the resources which can be used for managing different types of systems and hardware. Project describes the integration of the Information Technology with mechanical equipment, which enables us to provide the software to manage hardware and related processes. We offer a solution to manage and drive small-sized car (webcar), also describing algorithmic, software and technical aspects of our solution as well

Lecture files:

ინტერნეტ ტექნოლოგიებით მართვადი მცირე ზომის მანქანის (webcar) შექმნა [ka]

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