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Discovering Sensor Networks: Applications in Structural Health Monitoring, Introduction to MEMS, Microsystems and Sensors
Author: naira ghvaladzeAnnotation:
In this Master thesis, we learn about the importance of monitoring stresses on bridges and other civil infrastructure, and about how public safety can be improved by using wireless sensor networks for continuous structural health monitoring. This paper introduces topics in micro-electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS), microsystems, and sensors. We learn how MEMS technology has impacted a wide variety of products and applications, including Wii controllers, and tools for analysis and sensing in medicine, biology and chemistry.
Lecture files:
ჯანმრთელობის სტრუქტრურული მონიტორინგის აპლიკაციები სენსორული ქსელების აღმოჩენა: MEMS-ის შესავალი, მიკროსისტემები და სენსორები [ka]