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Modeling using PDE

Author: nugzari chankvetadze
Co-authors: dzamashvili giorgi, tefnadze cicino, dzowenidze giorgi, chqofoia beqa, sologashvili teona
Keywords: PDE, image processing, modeling

Within the scope of the project authors made a research in digital images, their processing and in a tiny part of the fieled of partial differential equations. Whilst using classical theqniques authors made attempts to properly use PDE-related methods in image processing. In the last section of the document there are results and analysis of the work done.

Lecture files:

პრეზენტაცია 2 [ka]
პრეზენტაცია 1 [ka]
მოდელირება კერძოწარმოებულიანი დიფერენციალური განტოლებებით [ka]

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