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The Relational Data Model - Normalisation and Effective Database Design
Author: Ana SikharulidzeAnnotation:
The masters paper aims to discuss and better examine such topical issues as normalization of database design and its effectiveness. The paper discusses the rules, guidelines and various approaches to the relation of database normalization design, the problems related to follow and realize these rules. The important issue is the relation and normalization. described solutions of problems of relation. they are base of user support system, which will help administrators to create correct design of databases.
Lecture files:
რელაციური_მონაცემთა_მოდელი [ka]რელაციური მონაცემთა მოდელი - მონაცემთა ბაზის დიზაინის ნორმალიზება და ეფექტურობა [ka]