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Database Security Methods
Author: sofio choquriKeywords: Security database, server roles, database roles, data integrity
Master's thesis about the urgent problems of today, such as database security. It discusses a variety of methods, approaches, and several other aspects, which ensure the security of the base. The paper describes in detail how to properly plan and manage the security of the system if several users are working with a database separate from their rights. Determine what roles, in which participants will be united. Master's thesis in the library database are examples of the various SQL's recommendations regarding the security of data.
Lecture files:
მონაცემთა ბაზის უსაფრთხოების უზრუნველყოფის მეთოდები - პრეზენტაცია [ka]მონაცემთა ბაზის უსაფრთხოების უზრუნველყოფის მეთოდები [ka]