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Variation formulas of solution for two delay parameters functional differential equation with the continuous initial condition

Author: natia gigauri

In this work, for two delay parameters functional differential equation with the continuous initial condition, are proved variation formulas of solution with respect to perturbations of initial data(initial moment, initial function, delay parameters) and right-hand side of equation. There are considered three cases, when variations of initial moment and delay parameters are simultaneously performed from the left, from the right and from the both side. Moreover, in the form of auxiliary assertions estimations of the solution increment with respect to small parameter are obtained and its value is calculated at the initial moment.

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ამონახსნის ვარიაციის ფორმულები ორი დაგვიანების პარამეტრის შემცველი ფუნქციონალურ დიფერენციალური განტოლებისთვის უწყვეტი საწყისი პირობით [ka]

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